
Thursday 23 April 2020

My Aunties fish

My Aunties fish is called Louie, he is a Betta fish also known as a Siamese fighting fish

Why do Siamese fighting fish have to live alone?
Bettas, unlike other species, are not schooling fish and will fight with each other, regardless of gender. Bettas prefer to swim alone and also need a comfortable place to hide. Louie has a diving helmet ornament to hide and feel safe in

What do we feed Louie and how often? 
We feed him floating pellets 2 - 3 times a day.

How often do we test the water and what for? 
Once a week we test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH.

How do we clean the tank?
We use a magnetic glass cleaner to clean the sides of the tank. We then take out any ornaments and fake plants that need cleaning and use a toothbrush which is just for this. Then a net is used to fish out any bigger bits of gunk. After this, we use a water siphon hose to do a 50% water change. Usually, only a 25% change would be done but today some of the water levels were off. Clean ornaments are put back into the tank and then the tank water is topped back up. This water has got primer and water conditioner in it to treat the water for any chlorine or toxic substances.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kade
    Wow, it's like a huge science experiment - you look like you are testing for COVID-19. You've put a lot of time into this post and it really shows, as this is one of your best posts yet!
    When you talked about siphoning the water out it reminds me about doing that for Yertle's tank, although I've never had to check the pH level in Yertle's water.
    How did Louie get his name? I think I'm a bit like Louie, as I sometimes like to find a comfortable place to hide.
    - Mr Mitchell
